Figure 4.
Retinal function and histopathology in the Crb1-mutant rd8 mouse. (A) ERG parameters compared in a cohort of WT and rd8 mice of different ages (key for color coding of ages, right). (B) Dorsal-ventral retinal sections in a 4-month-old WT mouse (left) compared with that of a 6.5-month-old rd8 mouse. To the right of each full retinal section is a higher magnification light microscopic image from a location (square with arrow) inferior to the optic nerve. Arrows: dysplastic regions in the rd8 histopathology. (C) Retinal sections with different abnormalities are ordered (left to right) in a proposed disease sequence leading to the types of dysplastic lesions noted in rd8 animals of increasing ages (top images). Sections are shown from one animal at age 10 months (bottom images) to illustrate that the abnormalities can occur within a retina at a single age.