Figure 1.
Mitochondrial genome organization of S. erythranum. Protein-coding and ribosomal RNA genes are indicated with standard abbreviations, transfer RNA (tRNA) genes are designated by a single letter for the corresponding amino acid except for those coding for leucine and serine, which are labeled with their anticodon as well (Luag, Luaa, Sgcu and Suga). Arrows indicate direction of coding regions either on the J-strand (clockwise, 29 genes) or the N-strand (counterclockwise, eight genes) (after Simon 2006). The five tRNAs encoded by the N-strand are indicated by a (-) sign (for example -F). A+T region refers to the non-coding region that may be related to the regulation of mitochondrial replication and transcription. TRR stands for tandemly repeated region.