Figure 1.
FAM84A mRNA induction in the livers of DEN/PB treated Car+/+ C3He and Car-/- C3He mice by PB. Total liver RNA was prepared from Car+/+ C3He and Car-/- C3He mice and the expression of FAM84A mRNA was evaluated by real-time PCR. Open and closed bars show the levels of FAM84A mRNA in the non-tumor tissues from the DEN-treated and DEN/PB-treated C3He mice, respectively. The hatched bar shows the FAM84a mRNA in tumor tissues. The 6, 23 and 32 weeks indicate the number of weeks that the mice were treated by PB. The relative levels of FAM84A mRNA were calculated by setting the levels in the livers of DEN-treated Car+/+ C3He mice as one. The data are reported as the mean ± SD, n=6.