Figure 2.
Statistical models. Highlighting represents un-normalized regression coefficients or beta values in all white matter voxels tested. It demonstrates the CLU-C association with lower FA (after adjusting for age and sex). a, b, Shown here as post hoc explorations are the C/C versus T carrier model (a) and the T/T versus C carrier model (b). Units are in FA unit difference between groups for these models, while they are in FA units per allele for the additive model (Fig. 1). The per-voxel effect is similar in location using all models, but only the initially hypothesized and most powerful additive model passes FDR correction, as shown in Figure 1 (FDR critical p value = 0.023). The effect appears to depend on the allele dose rather than the presence or absence of a given allele. The left brain hemisphere is displayed on the right.