sbe2a leaves have reduced starch degradation during the dark phase. A to D, Leaves from Sbe2a/Sbe2a (A and C) and sbe2a/sbe2a (B and D) 3-week-old seedlings were harvested at the end of the 16-h-light (A and B) and 8-h-dark (C and D) phases, decolorized in boiling ethanol, and stained with iodine to visualize starch levels. E, Starch in replicate leaves was quantified at the end of light and dark phases (n = 4). Starch was partially purified and quantified. For sbe2a/sbe2a seedlings, only nonsenescing leaves were sampled. The asterisk denotes that the value significantly differs from Sbe2a at the end of the dark phase (P < 0.05). Error bars represent se.