POU2/3, hunchback and Six1/2-2 are required for protonephridia regeneration and maintenance. (A) Six1/2-2, POU2/3 and hunchback RNAi animals failed to regenerate protonephridia. Left, cartoon of amputation and regeneration; blastemas are white. Dotted box indicates the area shown in images. Numbers of tubule branches and tubule-associated cells per cluster were determined in regenerating blastemas (day 7 shown). (B) Fluorescence in situ hybridization and immunolabeling of control, POU2/3, hunchback or Six1/2-2 intact RNAi animals using a CA (magenta) RNA probe and an anti-acetylated tubulin antibody (yellow). Animals were analyzed at early (day 10 for Six1/2-2 and day 18 for POU2/3 and hunchback) and late (day 14 for Six1/2-2 and day 26 for POU2/3 and hunchback) time points following RNAi initiation. Cartoon indicates the region displayed in images and quantified in graphs. Anterior, left. Scale bars: 0.05 mm. Graphs display numbers of CA+ cells and tubule branches (Ac tubulin+) per cluster in tail regions. Data are mean ± s.e.m. (>6 animals per group). One-way ANOVA tests were performed, followed by a Dunnet post-hoc test, comparing different groups relative to the control. ***P<0.0001.