Sagittal views of the avian brain. Rostral is to the right. (A) Side view of an avian brain image (Laughing dove; Streptopelia senegalensis), Photographed by Shay Barkan. (B) Sagittal schematic overview of neurogenesis in the adult avian brain. New neurons are born in the VZ and from there they disperse widely and differentiate into neurons throughout many regions of the forebrain (dots). Regions that incorporate relatively high levels of new neurons are HVC, HC, Area X, N, HA, LPO. No new neurons are incorporated into either RA or the cerebellum (CB). HA -hyperstriatum accessorium, HC - hippocampus, LPO - lobus parolfactorius, N -nidopallium, OB - olfactory bulb, RA - robust nucleus of the arcopallium, VZ -ventricular zone, X - area X. Adapted with permission from Alvarez-Buylla et al., (1994); Doetsch & Scharff (2001).