AMPKα1 contributes to the development, but not maintenance, of barrier resistance. A) Manipulating AMPK activity does not alter barrier resistance in confluent PMVEC monolayers. B) In subconfluent PMVEC monolayers, AMPKα1 inhibition [compound C (Cmpd C)] impairs development of barrier resistance. Con, vehicle control; AICAR, AMPK stimulation; Tx, time treatment added. C) shRNA (Δα1), which decreases AMPKα1 expression, lowers barrier resistance. D) shRNA-mediated inhibition of AMPKα1 protein synthesis does not alter cell growth. E, F) AMPK stimulation using AICAR (AICR) does not enhance resistance in control cells (E) but restores resistance to control levels in shRNA-expressing cells (F). Bars indicate days postseeding (n=12). Values are means ± se. *P < 0.05.