Figure 3.
Extended β4 peptides in CA3 neurons induce resurgent currents with slower kinetics than short peptides. A, Top, Overlay of mean currents evoked by resurgent current protocol in mouse Purkinje neurons (light gray, n = 7) and in CA3 neurons + 200 μm extended (ext; black, n = 9) or short (sh; dark gray, n = 8) mouse β4 peptides. Currents normalized to peak resurgent current. Middle top, Mean currents evoked in CA3 neurons with extended or short human peptide (n = 8,8); middle, with extended or short cow peptide (n = 7,7); middle bottom, with extended or short frog peptide (n = 8,7); bottom, with extended chick or extended mouse peptide (n = 8,9). Insets, Mean currents normalized to transient current at +30 mV. B, Overlay of currents from A, normalized to resurgent current peak. C, Top, Mean amplitude of current evoked at −30 mV after 10 ms conditioning step to +30 mV, normalized to transient current at +30 mV. Middle, Mean rise time of resurgent currents evoked at −30 mV. Bottom, Mean decay time constants (τ) of resurgent currents evoked at −30 mV.