Fig. 6.
Block diagram of the cardiovascular model of RCVSIM. The blocks in the diagram are mathematically characterized as follows: PULSATILE HEART and SYSTEMIC & PULMONARY CIRCULATIONS with a nonlinear lumped-parameter model; SA NODE with an integrate-and-fire model; each neural coupling and baroreflex block with finite impulse responses; BAROREFLEX SATURATION with arctan functions; and AIRWAYS AND LUNGS with a lumped parameter model. Cl,rmin is left and right ventricular minimum compliances; F, heart rate; NF, additive disturbance to heart rate; NRa, bandlimited disturbance to systemic arterial resistance; Pa, systemic arterial blood pressure; Palv, alveolar pressure; Pra-Pth, right atrial transmural pressure; Pth, intrathoracic pressure; Qlu, instantaneous lung volume; Ra, systemic arterial resistance; sp, set-point; VCT, ventricular contraction time; Vv0, systemic venous unstressed volume; and WF, 1/f noise. Adapted from [Mukkamala-2001].