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. 2011 Aug 22;11:364. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-11-364

Table 2.

General characteristics of breast cancer cases

Variables by level Total distribution Clinical Stage I&II Clinical Stage III&IV ES vs. LS
(N = 4211) (N = 2554) (N = 901)

n % n % n %
Age at Diagnosis (Years)
(4211, 2554, 901)
 Mean ± SD 48.7 ± 10.5 -- 49.1 ± 10.4 -- 48.8 ± 10.3 -- 0.345a
 Range 21~86 -- 21~86 -- 21~85 --
 ≤ 29 80 1.9 38 1.5 17 1.9
 30-39 710 16.9 404 15.8 144 16.0
 40-49 1624 38.6 987 38.7 341 37.9 0.088b
 50-59 1147 27.2 693 27.1 276 30.6
 ≥ 60 650 15.4 432 16.9 123 13.7
Body Mass Index
(3281, 2107, 646 )
 Mean ± SD 23.4 ± 3.3 -- 23.3 ± 3.2 -- 23.5 ± 3.4 -- 0.173a
 Range 12.8~39.4 -- 14.7~36.1 -- 12.8~39.4 --
 Underweight (≤ 18.49) 140 4.3 74 3.5 30 4.6
 Normal Weight (18.50~24.99) 2217 67.6 1461 69.3 424 65.6 0.196b
 Overweight (25.00~29.99) 818 24.9 511 24.3 167 25.9
 Obesity (≥ 30.00) 106 3.2 61 2.9 25 3.9
Occupation (3623, 2192, 796)
 Housewife 173 4.8 127 5.8 26 3.3
 Manual Worker 1893 52.3 1099 50.1 474 59.6 < 0.001b
 Mental Worker 1028 28.4 659 30.1 189 23.7
 Others 529 14.6 307 14.0 107 13.4
Education (2091, 1315, 486)
 None 186 8.9 112 8.5 55 11.3
 Primary School 462 22.1 273 20.8 115 23.7
 Middle School 606 29.0 370 28.1 141 29.0 0.008b
 High School 441 21.1 280 21.3 106 21.8
 University and above 396 18.9 280 21.3 69 14.2
Marital Status (4193, 2548, 899)
 Single 51 1.2 25 1.0 14 1.6
 Married 4090 97.5 2482 97.4 878 97.7 0.073b
 Widowed/Divorced 52 1.2 41 1.6 7 0.8
Region (4211, 2554, 901)*
 More Developed 1851 44.0 1127 44.1 389 43.2 0.620b
 Less Developed 2360 56.0 1427 55.9 512 56.8
Smoking History (4211, 2554, 901)
 Never 2468 58.6 1451 56.8 596 66.2
 Used 47 1.1 37 1.5 9 1.0 < 0.001c
 current 12 0.3 5 0.2 3 0.3
 Unknown 1684 40.0 1061 41.5 293 32.5
Alcohol Drinking History
(4211, 2554, 901)
 Never 2427 57.6 1415 55.4 598 66.4
 Used 82 2.0 70 2.7 6 0.7 < 0.001c
 Now 13 0.3 7 0.3 4 0.4
 Unknown 1689 40.1 1062 41.6 293 32.5
Breast Cancer Family History (4128, 2517, 882)
 Yes 144 3.5 96 3.8 21 2.4 0.045b
 No 3984 96.5 2421 96.2 861 97.6

a Student's t-test

b Chi-square test

c Fisher's exact test

* More Developed Regions: North, South, and East

Less Developed Regions: North-East, Central, North-West, South-West.