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. 2011 Sep 22;6(9):e24885. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024885

Table 1. List of fish taxa cited by the respondents.

Taxa I D F Taxa I D F
Ammodytidae 5 Pomatomidae 6
Gymnammodytes cicerelus 5 Pomatomus saltatrix 6
Atherinidae 1 Rajidae 1 1
Atherina sp 1 Raja sp 1 1
Balistidae 6 Scaridae 8 5
Balistes capriscus 6 Sparisoma cretense 8 5
Belonidae 2 Sciaenidae 1 2
Belone belone 2 Sciaena umbra 2
Carangidae 24 5 Umbrina cirrosa 1
Caranx crysos 12 Scomberesocidae 6
Lichia amia 4 Scomberesox saurus saurus 6
Seriola dumerilii 4 3 Scombridae 7 24 1
Trachinotus ovatus 3 Auxis rochei 3 1
Trachurus mediterraneus 1 1 Sarda sarda 1 2
Trachurus trachurus 1 Scomber japonicus 6
Carcharhinidae 1 Scomber scombrus 17
Prionace glauca 1 Thunnus thynnus 2
Centracanthidae 2 Scophthalmidae 1
Spicara sp. 2 Scophthalmus rhombus 1
Clupeidae 3 21 Scorpaenidae 1
Engraulis encrasicolus 12 Scorpaena scrofa 1
Sardina pilchardus 4 Serranidae 2 3 3
Sardinella aurita 3 E. marginatus 2 3 3
Sprattus sprattus 5 Siganidae 1 1
Coryphaenidae 6 Siganus luridus 1 1
Coriphaena hippurus 6 Soleidae 4
Dasyatidae 2 6 Solea vulgaris 4
Dasyatis pastinaca 2 2 Sparidae 7 16 1
Exocoetidae 4 Boops boops 1 2
Fistularidae 7 Dentex dentex 2
Fistularia commersonii 7 Diplodus annularis 1
Gadidae 4 Diplodus sargus 2 1
Merlangus merlangus 2 Diplodus vulgaris 2
Trisopterus minutus capelanus 2 Lithognathus mormyrus 2
Gobiidae 9 Oblada melanura 2
Aphia minuta 2 Pagrus pagrus 2
Gobius niger 4 Sarpa salpa 1 4 1
Gobius sp 3 Spondyliosoma chantarus 1
Labridae 2 Sphyraenidae 14
Coris julis 2 Sphyraena spp. 14
Merlucciidae 3 Syngnathidae 3 1
Merluccius merluccius 3 Hippocampus sp 2 1
Mugilidae 3 Syngnathus sp 1
Muraenidae 1 4 Torpedinidae 1
Muraena helena 1 4 Torpedo sp. 1
Phycidae 1 Triglidae 1 1
Phycis phycis 1 Trigla lucerna 1 1

The number of times in which they were assigned to the groups ‘INCREASE’ (‘I’), ‘DECREASE’ (‘D’) and ‘FLUCTUATE’ (‘F’) is reported.