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. 2011 Aug 4;138(12):1519–1533. doi: 10.1017/S0031182011001181

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Parasite-specific IgM responses. (A) Comparison of individuals’ parasite-specific IgM antibody levels in the Zimbabwean study group (closed circles) compared to European donors (open squares) for each parasite antigen for Schistosoma haematobium (Sh) (CAP=cercariae antigen preparation, SEA=soluble egg antigen, WWH=soluble adult worm antigen) and Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) (Scz=schizont). Mean and standard error of the mean is shown for each population. (B) Comparison of schistosome infection prevalence determined by egg count and by egg-specific antibodies vs. presence and exposure to parasite antigens. The figure shows the percentage of people with at least 1 egg in 10 ml urine (Egg +ve), the percentage of people with anti-egg IgM levels (SEA IgM +ve) above the control cut-off and, the percentage of people with anti-cercariae (CAP IgM +ve) above the control cut-off taken to indicate exposure to cercariae.