Figure 2.
Spleen weights by allele, diet and sex. The bars are the mean and s.e.m from several strains carrying alleles from either the C57BL/6J strain (B6) or DBA/2J strain (D2). For the males the marker for the iron adequate diet is rs13459176 located on chromosome 15 at 3.229128 Mb and for the iron deficient diet, rs3143810 located on chromosome 2 at 103.124490 Mb. For the females the marker for the iron adequate diet is rs13480625, located on chromosome 10 at 64.173094 Mb and for the iron deficient diet, rs13481128 located on chromosome 11 at 83.521935 Mb. There were no significant differences between the sexes; within each sex, all pairwise comparisons between means are significant at at least p<0.01. The number of strains per diet: M/AD, B allele = 16, D allele =7; M/ID B allele = 9, D allele =14; F/AD, B allele = 13, D allele = 11; F/ID, B allele = 14, D allele = 10.