Table 1.
The land-use intensity gradient incorporated into the SAFE Project, extending from primary forest through to oil palm plantation. Blocks correspond to the sampling sites illustrated in figure 2 and are ordered from least to most disturbed.
block | habitat | logging | fragmentationa | forest coverb(%) | forest quality (range)c | notes |
OG1 | forest | never | continuous | 100 | 4.44 (3–5) | greater than 1 km from reserve boundary |
OG2 | forest | never | continuous | 100 | 4.88 (4–5) | greater than 500 m from reserve boundary |
OG3 | forest | low intensity | continuous | 100 | 4.22 (3–5) | lightly logged 1970s and 1990s |
LF1 | forest | twice | continuous | 100 | 3.22 (3-4) | twice logged |
LF3 | forest | twice | continuous | 76 | 3.44 (3-4) | twice logged |
LF2 | forest | twice | continuous | 86 | 3.67 (3-4) | twice logged |
LFE | forest | twice | continuous | 71 | 3.25 (2–4) | twice logged |
VJR | forest | variable | fragmented | 61 | 3.43 (2–5) | logged around edges, never logged in the steep interior |
B | forest | twice | fragmented | 50 | 2.75 (2–4) | twice logged |
D | forest | twice | fragmented | 35 | 2.06 (1–3) | twice logged |
F | forest | twice | fragmented | 34 | 2.50 (1–3) | twice logged |
A | forest | twice | fragmented | 26 | 2.25 (1–4) | twice logged |
E | forest | twice | fragmented | 21 | 1.94 (1–4) | twice logged |
C | forest | twice | fragmented | 16 | 2.06 (1–4) | twice logged |
OP3 | oil palm | n.a. | cleared | 15 | n.a. | planted 2000; closed canopy; some cover crop; 1 km from forest |
OP2 | oil palm | n.a. | cleared | 40 | n.a | planted 2006; canopy just forming; cover crop; 500 m from forest |
OP1 | oil palm | n.a. | cleared | 15 | n.a. | planted 2006; canopy just forming; cover crop; 700 m from forest |
aContinuous forest cover means the sampling block is located in a contiguous forest management area of approximately one million ha.
bThe average amount of forest cover in a 3 km radius surrounding second-order sampling points within each block. No distinction is made between primary and logged forest.
cAverage forest quality at second-order sampling points within each block. Quality is scored on a qualitative scale of 1–5; (1) very poor, no standing trees, open canopy with ginger, vines or low scrub; (2) poor, open canopy with occasional small trees over a ginger and vine layer; (3) okay, small trees abundant and canopy at least partly closed; (4) good, lots of trees including some large trees and a closed canopy; (5) very good, no evidence of logging, closed canopy with large trees.