Map of Sabah showing locations of study sites (shaded black; NB some sites are very small). Sizes of forest fragments: Tabin, 122 540 ha; Tawau Hill Park, 91 590 ha; Sepilok-Kabili, 4290 ha; Lungmanis, 3390 ha; Ulu Sapa Payau, 720 ha; Keruak, 640 ha; Sungai Sapi C, 500 ha; Pin Supu, 218 ha; Materis, 225 ha; Labuk, 120 ha; Sungai Sapi A, 45 ha. Ants were sampled from all sites except Tawau Hill Park and Lungmanis; Lepidoptera were sampled from all sites except Materis and Sungai Sapi A. Areas of forest (light grey) and non-forest (white; mainly agriculture (oil palm)) are also shown.