Table 4.
Model-fit indices polychoric correlations confirmatory factor analysis
Model | CFI1 | TLI1 | RSMSA2 |
Unidimensional (all 10 items) | .970 | .981 | .068 |
8-item scale (items 1&2 removed) | .985 | .989 | .058 |
Two-dimensional3 | .974 | .984 | .063 |
1CFI/TLI > .9 indicates reasonably good fit (Kline, 2005; pp. 137-141)
2RSMEA between 0.05 and 0.08 suggests reasonable fit (Kline, 2005; pp. 137-141)
3Two dimensional model; items 1 and 2 loaded on one factor, and items 3 to 10 on the other factor; factors were correlated.