Figure 1.
Analysis of peripheral nerve function. (A) Nerve conduction studies performed on 20 week-old Ercc1−/Δ mice (gray bars, N=7), normal littermates (black bars, N=4), and 120 week-old controls (open bars, N=3). (B) Nerve conduction studies performed on 8 week-old Ercc1−/Δ mice (N=3) and normal littermates (N=3). Values represent mean ± SEM. CMAP - sciatic nerve compound muscle action potential, MNCV - sciatic nerve motor nerve conduction velocity, FSA - foot sensory nerve amplitude, FSCV - foot sensory nerve conduction velocity, CNA - caudal nerve amplitude, CNCV - caudal nerve conduction velocity. *p < 0.05 compared to 20 week-old controls.