Figure 1.
Depiction of the experimental design used in Experiment 1. All phases of training are separated by 24 h. Black circles represent the black ice bucket used for transportation in ‘Rudy’ subjects and the open circles represent the clear polycarbonate cage used for transportation in ‘Gould’ subjects. Black triangles represent the experimental chamber (context) used for preexposure in experimental (Exp) subjects and during Phases 2 and 3 in all subjects. All sensory features of the environment (e.g., odor; tactile cues) are the same in conditions identified with a black triangle. In contrast, open triangles represent a context in which these sensory cues differ (used at Phase 4). Open squares represent the clear polycarbonate cage used for preexposure in Rudy and Gould control (Ctl) groups. ‘IM Shock’ refers to shock administration immediately following placement into the chamber at Phase 2 for Rudy groups. ‘Delay Shock’ refers to shock administration 5 sec following placement into the chamber at Phase 2 for Gould groups.