Figure 6.
Retroviral particle infection reversed the daunomycin resistance of H69AR cell. IC50 value of daunomycin was determined by MTT assay and the IC50 value for H69 cell was considered as 100%. The samples are: H69 or H69AR (un-infected H69 or H69AR); H69/Con or H69AR/Con (H69 or H69AR cells infected with retroviral particles harboring control interfering RNAi); H69/630 or H69AR/630 (H69 or H69AR cells infected with retroviral particles harboring Bcl2-specific RNAi 630); H69/846 or H69AR/846 (H69 or H69AR cells infected with retroviral particles harboring Bcl2-specific RNAi 846).