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. 2011 Sep 26;343:d5886. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5886

Table 3.

 Adherence (number (percentage)) to standard criteria for reporting and methodology for cluster randomised trials, overall and before and after publication of CONSORT extension for cluster randomised trials

Overall (n=300) Before (2000-4, n=139) After (2005-6, n=93) After (2007-8, n=68) P value for trend Absolute change in % adherence (before to after) (95% CI)
Criteria related to quality of reporting
Clearly identified as clustered in title or abstract 145 (48) 59 (43) 47 (50.5) 39 (57) 0.038 11.0 (−0.3 to 22.2)
Justification provided for using cluster design 94 (31) 37 (27) 29 (31.2) 28 (41) 0.038 8.8 (−1.6 to 19.2)
Reported on blinding of outcome assessors 113 (38) 42 (30) 40 (43.0) 31 (46) 0.019 13.9 (3.1 to 24.7)
Reported on blinding of participants/administrators 151 (50) 72 (52) 50 (53.8) 29 (43) 0.292 −2.7 (−14.1 to 8.6)
Primary outcome identified clearly 141 (47) 62 (45) 43 (46.2) 36 (53) 0.284 4.5 (−6.9 to 15.8)
Sample size calculation presented 164 (55) 77 (55) 44 (47.3) 43 (63) 0.483 −1.4 (−12.7 to 9.9)
Identified who enrolled participants* 134 (58) 59 (60) 41 (55.4) 34 (57) 0.674 −3.6 (−16.4 to 9.2)
Reported No of clusters randomised 261 (87) 116 (84) 81 (87.1) 64 (94) 0.035 6.6 (−1.1 to 14.3)
Reported No of clusters lost to follow-up 235 (78) 99 (71) 78 (83.9) 58 (85) 0.010 13.3 (3.9 to 22.6)
Reported No of clusters that withdrew 256 (85) 115 (83) 78 (83.9) 63 (93) 0.078 4.8 (−3.3 to 12.9)
Reported size of clusters in each arm 262 (87) 117 (84) 82 (88.2) 63 (93) 0.081 5.9 (−1.7 to 13.5)
Reported No of individuals lost to follow-up 228 (76) 109 (78) 65 (69.9) 54 (79) 0.860 −4.5 (−14.1 to 5.1)
Reported methods of analysis 281 (94) 128 (92) 89 (95.7) 64 (94) 0.456 2.9 (−2.7 to 8.6)
Reported intracluster correlation† 35 (16) 21 (22) 4 (6.2) 10 (18) 0.323 −10.2 (−20.3 to 0)
Mean (SD) summary score 61.8 (19.2) 59.9 (19.6) 61.5 (19.9) 66.1 (16.9) 0.092 3.5 (−0.8 to 7.8)
Criteria relating to methodological quality
Used restricted randomisation 167 (56) 72 (52) 55 (59.1) 40 (59) 0.272 7.2 (−4.1 to 18.5)
Allocated minimum of four clusters per arm‡ 244 (86) 111 (85) 76 (85.4) 57 (86) 0.867 0.4 (−7.8 to 8.6)
Accounted for clustering in sample size§ 100 (61) 51 (66) 21 (47.7) 28 (65) 0.662 −9.9 (−24.8 to 4.9)
Accounted for clustering in analysis 209 (70) 100 (72) 63 (67.7) 46 (68) 0.474 −4.2 (−14.6 to 6.2)

*Excludes 67 trials with no participant enrolment.

†Excludes 84 trials with pair matched designs or primary analysis at cluster level.

‡Excludes 15 studies with unclear number of clusters.

§Excludes 136 trials with no sample size calculation presented.