(a) Itch-evoked scratching was measured in wild type (WT; black), TRPV1-deficient (V1−/−; grey) and TRPA1-deficient (A1−/−; red) mice following subcutaneous injection of chloroquine (CQ, 200 mg/50 μl, 8 mM) or BAM8–22 (60 μg/10 μl, 3.5 mM) into the nape of the neck. The total time spent scratching was quantified for 20 minutes after injection (p<0.01; one-way ANOVA). Injection of vehicle (PBS, 50 μL) elicited some scratching in wild type mice (VEH; white). (b) In the cheek model of itch, subcutaneous injection of a pruritogen into the cheek (chloroquine, 200 μg/10 μL, 40 mM) elicits scratching of the cheek with the hindpaw (left). In contrast, injection of an irritant, mustard oil (MO, 1 mM), evokes wiping with one of the forelimbs (right). (c) Itch-evoked scratching was measured in wild type (WT; black), Trpv1−/− (V1−/−; grey) and Trpa1−/− (A1−/−; red) mice following CQ (200 μg/10 μL, 40 mM) or BAM8–22 (60 μg/10 μl, 3.5 mM) injection in the cheek. The total time spent scratching was quantified for 20 minutes after injection. Injection of vehicle (PBS, 10μL) failed to elicit scratching or wiping (VEH; white; p<0.01; one-way ANOVA). All error bars represent s.e.m. n≥8 mice/genotype. (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 ***p<0.001)