Figure 1 shows the final cluster map for the The Healthy Brain Initiative (10). The figure shows 8 clusters, which vary in size and shape. Each cluster is made up of a series of points that represent the individual action items generated by the work groups and reformatted for the concept-mapping software. Items in a cluster are more similar to one another than they are to items in other clusters. The size of a cluster reflects the similarity of the items and the number of items in the cluster. How close together the clusters appear on the map reflects how similar the items are in those clusters. Seven of the clusters are located on the periphery of the graphic, forming an elliptical circle. Only 1 cluster, “Developing Capacity,” is surrounded completely by others. |
Starting with the cluster labeled “Disseminating Information” (placed at the top) and moving clockwise, the next cluster is “Translating Knowledge.” The next set of 2 clusters, appearing closely together at the right, is “Moving Research into Practice” and “Conducting Intervention Research.” At the bottom, directly opposite the top cluster, is “Measuring Cognitive Impairment and Burden.” To the left is “Conducting Surveillance.” Moving directly up is the most central of the clusters, “Developing Capacity.” The eighth cluster, to the far left, is “Implementing Policy.” |