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. 2011 Jul 9;33(11):2217–2223. doi: 10.1007/s10529-011-0682-9

Table 2.

Loci, primers, labeling method and alleles detected in this study (page 1 of 2)

Locus Primer Gel method Applied biosystems 3730 genetic analyzer (ABI)b CEQ 8000 genetic analysis system (CEQ)d Allele name Difference in bp between ABI and CEQ
Approximate band size (bp)a Allele size (bp)c Allele size (bp)e
PS01 PS01-F n/df 206 PS01-B
257 n/d 260 PS01-C
PS01-R n/d 266 PS01-D
269 269 272 PS01-E 3
281 281 284 PS01-F 3
287 290 PS01-G 3
293 293 296 PS01-H 3
n/d 418 PS01-I
419 419 424 PS01-A 5
425 430 PS01-J 5
431 436 PS01-K 5
437 442 PS01-L 5
443 448 PS01-M 5
PS05 PS05-F n/d 260 PS05-B
263 263 264 PS05-A 1
PS05-R n/d 268 PS05-C
290 n/d 296 PS05-D
n/d 304 PS05-E
307 307 308 PS05-F 1
n/d 312 PS05-G
n/d 316 PS05-H
n/d 320 PS05-I
335 335 336 PS05-J 1
339 340 PS05-K 1
343 344 PS05-L 1
347 n/d PS05-M
360 355 n/d PS05-N
PS10 PS10-F n/d 144 PS10-B
153 146 149 PS10-C 3
PS10-R 191 194 PS19-D 3
198 196 199 PS10-E 3
211 214 PS10-F 3
218 n/d 219 PS10-G
221 224 PS10-A 3
228 n/d 229 PS10-H
233 n/d 234 PS10-I
238 n/d 249 PS10-J
251 n/d PS10-K
PS12 PS12-F 258 251 252 PS12-B 1
264 257 258 PS12-C 1
PS12-R 292 293 PS12-D 1
300 298 299 PS12-E 1
304 305 PS12-F 1
306 310 311 PS12-A 1
316 317 PS12-G 1
PS16 PS16-F 395 403 PS16-B 8
405 405 413 PS16-C 8
PS16-R n/d 418 PS16-D
455 463 PS16-E 8
460 n/d PS16-F
n/d 478 PS16-G
470 470 483 PS16-A 13
475 488 PS16-H 13
PS24 PS24-R 236 236 238 PS24-B 2
252 252 254 PS24-A 2
PS24-F 262 262 264 PS24-C 2
n/d 310 PS24-D
n/d 338 PS24-E
PS29 PS29-R 252 249 251 PS29-B 2
PS29-F 273 270 272 PS29-A
PS33 PS33-R 250 252 PS33-B 2
257 256 258 PS33-C 2
PS33-F 258 260 PS33-D 2
262 264 PS33-E 2
264 266 PS33-F 2
267 266 268 PS33-A 2
268 270 PS33-G 2
270 272 PS33-H 2
274 276 PS33-I 2
278 280 PS33-J 2

aTotal number of isolates analyzed n = 190; 126 from Ohio and 64 from Iowa

bForward primer PS01, PS16, PS24, and PS33 were labeled with FAM while PS05, PS10, PS12, and PS29 were labeled with HEX dye

cTotal number of isolates analyzed n = 106; 93 isolates from Iowa (includes 64 isolates used for the gel method) and 13 isolates received from Ohio’s lab. Size is based on approximate band sizes as determined by GeneMapper® Software 4.0

dAll forward primer were designed with a M13(−21) tail at the 5′-end and used a universal WellRED D4 labeled M13(−21) primer as a nested primer, except for primers PS01 and PS05 that were directly labeled using WellRED D4

eTotal number of isolates analyzed n = 130; 126 isolates from Ohio (same isolates used for the gel method) and 4 isolates received from Iowa’s lab. Size is based on approximate band sizes as determined by CEQ 8000 genetic analysis software

fNot detected in the isolates from that laboratory

Alleles found on the isolates shared by laboratories (n = 17) are italicized

Allele corresponding to sequenced isolate P6497 is bolded