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. 2011 Jun 29;87(1032):670–679. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2010.116012

Table 1.

Study descriptions

Author Condition Topic of guideline Participants, sample frame Sample size Outcome measure Measurement validation Publication of guideline Time of study
Beaulieu et al, 20055 Medical treatment of stable angina
  1. Prescription for aspirin

  2. Favour β blockers as first choice anti-angina drug

  3. Control LDL cholesterol

Random, stratified sample of 1/3 family physicians, all cardiology and internal medicine specialists in Quebec, Canada 1228 Mailed self-report survey Based on Pathman's questionnaire February 1999 Quebec College of Physicians mailed one page summary May 1999
Cabana et al, 20076 Medical treatment of children with asthma Prescribing inhaled corticosteroids for children with persistent asthma symptoms National, random cross-sectional survey of paediatricians and family physicians, from American Medical Association (AMA) master file of US physicians 694 Mailed self report survey, two follow-up surveys, telephone call Based on literature review and physician focus groups
  • 2002 update

  • National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute Asthma Guidelines

September–November 2004
Cruz-Correa et al, 20017 Screening for Barrett's oesophagus
  • Screening for Barrett's oesophagus in patients with

  • 1. no dysplasia

  • 2. low grade dysplasia

Stratified random sampling of members of three specialty organisations, excluding those in training programmes and retired specialists 235 Mailed self-report survey with three case scenarios, two follow-up surveys Survey and case scenarios used at baseline and follow-up 19–22 months later August 1998 guidelines developed by American College of Gastroenterology October 1999–January 2000
Erhardt et al, 20088 Medical management of patients with chronic heart failure Agreement with guidelines for pharmacotherapy Random identification from research database of cardiologists in seven western European countries, according to specific inclusion criteria, country quotas 484 On-line survey including three case scenarios, translated Validated and piloted in face-to-face interviews 2005 European Society of Cardiology guidelines for chronic heart failure Not recorded
Freed et al, 19949 Immunisation of infants Universal hepatitis B immunisation of infants All paediatricians and random sample of family physicians in North Carolina, USA 591 Mailed self-report survey, two follow-up surveys First survey repeated, used as pilot
  • November 1991 ACIP

  • February 1992 AAP

  • August 1992 AAFP

September–October 1992
Gentile et al, 200410 Well child visits to paediatricians
  1. Limit children's media time

  2. Discourage TV viewing among children <2 years

  3. Encourage alternative entertainment for children

All members of the Minnesota chapter of American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) 899 Mailed self report survey, three reminders Survey designed by authors February 2001 AAP media use guidelines July–October 2002
Heneghan et al, 200711 Management of hypertension
  1. Adjust blood pressure for home/self monitoring

  2. Measure blood pressure both arms

  3. Provide verbal lifestyle advice

  4. Provide written lifestyle advice

  5. Annual review of patients with mild hypertension

  6. Statin therapy for primary prevention

Survey of all UK general practitioners registered on, an online organisation for UK doctors 800 Internet survey, presented as a link in a targeted electronic bulletin Adapted and piloted from Pathman's original questionnaire 2004 Guidelines from British Hypertension Society Guidelines May 2006
Pathman et al, 19963 Paediatric vaccine recommendations
  1. Second dose of measles vaccine

  2. Haemophilus influenza type B (HIB) at 2 months

  3. Universal hepatitis B immunisation of all infants

  4. Acellular vaccine for 4th and 5th pertussis dose

Random selection from AMA's master file of family physicians and paediatricians in nine US locations, stratified for community size 2146 Mailed self-report survey, two follow-up p surveys Survey instrument pilot tested with 100 paediatricians and family physicians
  • 1988–2nd dose of measles

  • 1990–HIB at 2 months

  • 1992-universal Hep B

  • 1992–acellular pertussis vaccine 4,5 dose

October 1993–January 1994
Pitimana-Aree et al, 200712 Anaesthetic practice
  1. Conscious sedation

  2. Provision of anaesthesia

  3. Pre-anaesthetic evaluation

  4. Labour analgesia

  5. Emergency endotracheal intubation

  6. Spinal anaesthesia

National survey, based on college list of anaesthesiologists (600) and nurse anaesthetists (1300) in Thailand 1900 Mailed self-report survey Not described 2006—Royal College of Anaesthesiologists of Thailand proposed and revised six guidelines Not recorded
Weyman et al, 199513 Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis infection Selective screening of asymptomatic women All registered staff physicians and residents working in six hospital family practice teaching units in downtown Toronto 153 Mailed self-report survey with case scenarios, one reminder Literature search guided development of questionnaire November 1989 Canadian guidelines mailed to all practising physicians in Canada December 1990
Zimmerman et al, 200414 Influenza vaccination for elderly adults Recommend vaccination of elderly patients with asthma
  • Stratified random sample of primary care clinicians from Veterans Affairs (VA) practices in USA

  • Random sample of approx 22 patients of each clinician, minimum 15 completed patient interviews per clinician

  • 71 clinicians

  • 925 patients aged 65 or over

  • Physicians: personal interview+self report survey

  • Patients: telephone questionnaire+self report of 1999–2000 influenza vaccination

  • Based on Precede—Proceed model, Awareness-to-adherence model included as predisposing factors

  • Piloting occurred

2000—CDC Guidelines for vaccinating elderly adults August 1999–February 2000