Figure 1.
Results of hematoxylin eosine staining of rat colonic tissue (× 100). A: Normal group: the colonic mucosa was complete and the colonic gland was regularly arranged, with no apparent inflammatory cell infiltration; B: Model group: damage to colonic mucosa was found and there were monocytes and a large number of inflammatory cells infiltrating the mucosa or submucosa; C: Moxibustion group: the colonic gland was regularly arranged compared with the model group and ulceration was covered by regenerated epithelium; D: Moxibustion plus disodium cromoglycate group: slight congestion of colonic mucosa and fibroplasia of submucosa were found and a large number of infiltrating inflammatory cells, however, this was not as serious as in the model group; E: Moxibustion plus normal saline group: the colonic gland was regularly arranged and inflammatory cell infiltration of the submucosa was noted.