Table III. Sensitivity and specificity of magnetic resonance imaging measures. AD, Alzheimer's disease; NINCDS, NINCDS (National Institutes of Neurological, Communicative Disorders and Stroke) probable AD (clinical); NINCDS possible, NINCDS possible or probable AD (clinical); NINCDS other, unspecified NINCDS criteria (clinical); rCBV, regional cerebral blood volume; PTC, parietotemporal cortex; MTL, mesial temporal lobe.
No. AD subjects | No. controls | Measurement | Sensitivity | Specificity | Diagnostic criteria | |
Harris et al,29 1998 | 27 | 18 normal | PTC rCBV | 0.33 | 0,94 | NINCDS |
Juottonen et al,31 1999 | 55 | 83 other | Hippocampal volume | 0.90 | 0.94 | NINCDS |
Wahlund et al,13 2000 | 41 | 67 normal | MTL volume + MMSE | 0.88 | 0,96 | NINCDS possible |
Golebiowski et al,30 1999 | 50 | 25 normal | Hippocampal volume | 0.95 | 0.92 | NINCDS other |