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. 2003 Mar;5(1):89–99.

Table IV. Sensitivity and specificity of positron emission tomography measures. AD, Alzheimer's disease; NINCDS, NINCDS (National Institutes of Neurological, Communicative Disorders and Stroke) probable AD (clinical); CERAD, CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registiy for Alzheimer Disease) probable or definite AD (neuropathology); Other, other neuropathological criteria; DLB, dementia with Lewy bodies; CMRglu, cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; PTC, parietotemporal cortex.

No. AD subjects No. controls Impression Sensitivity Specificity Diagnostic criteria
Hoffman et al,15 2000 14 8 other PTC hypometaholism 0.93 0.63 CERAD
Silwerman et al,2 2001 97 41 other Cerebral hypo metabolism 0.94 0.73 Other