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. 2010 Dec;12(4):471–487. doi: 10.31887/DCNS.2010.12.4/ycharnay

Table I. Table I. Serotonin (5-HT) receptors in the human brain: distribution, putative functions, and related pathologies. Pre-RNA *splicing and ° editing variants. For review see also refs 98 to100. X, dorsal motor n of the vagus nerve; ACN, accumbens n; Amy, amygdala; cc, corpus callosum; Ce, cerebellum; CPu, caudate-putamen; Cx, cortex; DRN, dorsal raphe n; Fcx, frontal cortex; Hip, hippocampus; Hyp, hypothalamus; LS, lateral septum; MRN, n, nucleus; SN, subtantia nigra; Tha, thalamus; VTA, ventral tegmental area.

5-HT receptor Locus Aminoacid length Human brain regions Putative functions Related clinical interests Ref
5-HT1A 5q11.2-q13 422 Raphe n hyp, hip, amy, CPu, Cx, Fcx 5-HT activit ermoregulatio eding, stress, pai od, emotion, cognitio arning, memory.. Anxiety/depression, neurodegenerative disorders, schizophrenia 25,147,171
5-HT1B (5-HT1Dß) 6q13 390 SN /VTA, ACN, CPu, ventral pallidum, Cx 5-HT activity mood, feeding Anxiety/depression, migraine 131,138,172
5-HT1D 1p36.3-34.3 343 CPu, , ventral pallidum, Fcx 5-HT activity, mood, feeding Anxiety/depression, migraine 173
5-HT1E 6q14-q15 365 CPu, Hyp, Cx (?) (?) See 174
5-HT1F 3p13-p14.1 366 Ce, Hip, Cx Mood, emotion Migraine 175
5-HT2A 13q14-q21 471 Dorsal vagal complex, Mood, respiratory control, Schizophrenia, anxiety/ 110,160,176
hypoglossal n, inferi vary complex, Tha u, Cx, FCx feeding, nociception depression, Tourette's syndromzheimer's didease, anorexia/ bulimia, drug abuse, pain
5-HT2B 2q36.3-q37.1 481 Ce (?), LS (?), Hyp (?) Cx (?) Brain development (?), feeding (?) Drug abuse, anxiety (?) 177
5-HT2C Xq24 458° Choroid plexus, Ce, DRN, SN, Hyp, Amy, Hip, CPu, ACN, Cx Mood, impulsivity, feeding, locomotor activity Anxiety/depressio hizophreni ug abuse, obesity 178
5-HT3A-E subunits 11q23. 1-27.1 510* (5-HT3A) Dorsal vagal complex, Hip, Amy, CPu Vomiting reflex, mood, Nausea, anxiety/depression 103,104
5-HT4 5q34-q36 402* Hyp, Hip, ACN, CPu Feeding, reward, cognition Anorexia, drug abuse, Alzheimer's disease 139,171, 179,180
5-HT5A 7q34-q36 357 Ce, Hyp, Thal, Hip, Cx Circadian rhythm, sleep, mood, cognition Schizophrenia (?) anxiety/depression (?) 181
5-HT6 1p36-p35 440 Hip, CPu, Cx, olfactory tubercle Cognition, learning, memory, feeding Alzheimer's disease, dementia, obesity 171,182
5-HT7 10q21-q24 479* Raphe n., Hyp, Tha, Hip, Amy, Cx Mood, sleep, cognition Anxiety/depression, schizophrenia. 183