Figure 6.
In vitro–generated Foxp3+ iTreg cells prevented graft rejection by naive CD4 T cells and allowed some naive T cells to become Foxp3+ themselves. Female B6.RAG−/− received a male CBA.RAG−/− skin graft in conjunction with either 5 × 105 in vitro–cultured female hCD2+ RAG−/− Marilyn.Foxp3hCD2 DBYT cells (squares, n = 6), 1 × 105 naive CD4+ cells from RAG−/− MarilynWT mice (circles, n = 6), or a mixture of both (diamonds, n = 8). (A) All of the mice that received 1 × 105 naive CD4+ cells rejected the male skin compared with none of those that received 5 × 105 hCD2+ cells (P = 0.0066) and half that received a mixture (P = 0.0247). After 100 d, the mice were killed and Foxp3+ cell composition was analyzed. (B) Total white cell spleen counts were similar between the three groups, but there were more CD4+ cells in mice that received a mixture of hCD2+ and naive CD4+ cells. (C) FACS analysis demonstrated conversion of naive CD4+ cells into Foxp3+ T cells. Over 98% of Foxp3+ cells in mice that received 5 × 105 isolated hCD2+ RAG−/− Marilyn.Foxp3hCD2 cells alone were hCD2+, whereas 18% of Foxp3+ cells in the draining lymph and 24% in the spleen of mice that received a 5:1 mixture (and had accepted the male graft) were hCD2 negative (P = 0.0009). Error bars represent SEM.