Thrombocytosis in the absence of Bak and Bax. (a) Western blot of Bak−/− BaxPf4Δ/Pf4Δ cell lysates demonstrating efficient deletion of Bak and Bax in platelets, and cultured megakaryocytes (MGKs) derived from murine BM. Actin served as a control for protein loading. (b) Platelet counts in Bak−/− Baxfl/fl, Bak−/− BaxPf4Δ/Pf4Δ, Bak+/+Bax−/−, and control mice at 7 wk of age. Data represent mean ± SEM. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. (c) Platelet survival curves in Bak−/− Baxfl/fl, Bak−/− BaxPf4Δ/Pf4Δ, and Bak+/+Bax−/− mice. Platelets were labeled via intravenous injection of a DyLight 488–conjugated anti-GPIbβ (CD42c) antibody. Data represent mean ± SD. n = 4–6 mice per group. (d) Morphologically recognizable MGKs in H&E-stained sections of BM from Bak−/−Baxfl/fl, Bak−/− BaxPf4Δ/Pf4Δ, Bak+/+ Bax−/−, and control mice. Each symbol represents the mean number per field of view (200×) from 8–10 fields per individual mouse. Data represent overall mean ± SEM. (e) MGK ploidy distribution profiles in adult conditional knockout mice. Data represent mean ± SD. n
= 8 mice per genotype. (f) Serum thrombopoietin levels in adult conditional knockout mice. Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Data represent mean ± SD. **, P < 0.005; ***, P < 0.0001.