Figure 1.
Chemical and electrical properties of L5 GABAergic interneurons in the motor areas. (A–B″) Almost all PV- and SOM immunopositive L5 neurons expressed Venus in the motor areas of VGAT-Venus transgenic rats. (C,C′) A Venus-expressing cell was attached and recorded with a patch electrode (arrowhead). (D–F) Left traces show the responses of L5 FS neurons, SOM neurons, and non-FS/non-SOM neurons, respectively, to 500-ms-long depolarizing current pulse injection. Right traces display the shape of action potential, where a passive component was subtracted from the raw trace (Kaneko et al., 1995). (G–H′) Arrowheads indicate biocytin-labeled GABAergic interneurons (G,H) that were immunoreactive for PV (G′) or SOM (H′). DIC, differential interference contrast microscopy. Scale bar in (B″) applies to (A–B″), that in (C′) to (C,C′), that in (D) to (D–F), and that in (H′) to (G–H′).