Fig. 8.
HDL-positive MVBs are localized in the Golgi region. Photooxidation and TEM analyses after 3 h of HDL incubation reveals that MVBs are frequently found close to the Golgi stacks (a, b). Stacked Golgi cisternae (G) as well as the trans-Golgi network (TGN) are devoid of staining (a, b); in a, a HDL-positive appendix of the MVB immerses into the Golgi region and is localized in close spatial relationship to membranes of the TGN. TGN-46 immunolocalization shows an extensive stained tubulo-cisternal network on one side of the nucleus (d). HDL-Alexa568 on the contrary stains spotty vesicles surrounding the nucleus (c), but no colocalization is observed (e). Primary magnifications: 75,000× (a), 50,000× (b), 1,000× (c–e). Bar 100 nm (a, b); 5 μm (c–e); G Golgi apparatus; N nucleus