Fig. 6.
The inhibitory capacity of TLR2 ligands requires functional signaling through PPARγ. Mice were evaluated using intravital microscopy for the number of neutrophils emigrated into the cremaster tissue following intrascrotal injections of 150 μL of saline alone or saline containing GW9662 (0.5 μg) or T0070907 (0.5 μg), as a 1.5 h pretreatment. (A) Followed by an intrascrotal injection of 150 μL of saline alone or saline containing LTA, GML, FSL1-Lin2, or FSL1-Lnn2 (each at 5 ng/g) for 4.5 h. (B) Followed by an intrascrotal injection of 150 μL of saline alone or saline containing TNFα (20 ng/g) or TNFα (20 ng/g) + LTA (5 ng/g) for 4.5 h, (C) Followed by an intrascrotal injection of 150 μL of saline alone or saline containing TNFα (20 ng/g) or TNFα (20 ng/g) + GML (37.5 ng/g) for 4.5 h. (D) Followed by the exteriorization of the cremaster and superfusion of MIP2 (5 μM) in the presence or absence of LTA (5 μg/mL) or GML (5 μg/mL) for 60 min. (E) MPO−/− mice evaluated using intravital microscopy for the number of neutrophils emigrated into the cremaster tissue following intrascrotal injections of 150 μL of saline containing GML (37.5 ng/g), TNFα (20 ng/g), or TNFα + GML.