Figure 5. Model-improved alternative-dosing IL-21 regimens.
(A) Predicted outcomes (final B16 volumes) of various 20-day treatments (initialized at day 3, and given SC), where different daily dose are applied (squares). (B) Experimental B16 dynamics following prospective treatments under the standard (std) 50 µg/day regimen, or under a model-based reduced-dosing (low) schedule (12 µg/day). Data (circles) are shown vs. model simulations (lines). Tumor growth in PBS controls appears as well. Means±SEM of data are indicated (n = 10; *p<0.05 for 12 µg-treated mice vs. PBS-treated mice; **p<0.001 for 50 µg-treated mice vs. PBS-treated mice; ns-not significant for 12 µg-treated mice vs. 50 µg -treated mice).