FIGURE 3. Monocyte adherence/differentiation induces chitinases.
A. Peripheral blood monocytes were adhered for indicated intervals and RNA assessed by RT-PCR and conventional RT-PCR(inset) for expression of CHI3L1. B–G. Monocytes were adhered and after 4 hr (B,E) or 7 days (C,F) stained with an antibody to CHIT1 (B,C) or CHI3L1 (E,F) or control antibody (D,G). H. By ELISA, protein levels in adherent macrophage supernatants increased with time. Inset. RT-PCR of monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes reveals macrophages are source of chitinases. I. In parallel cultures, adherent macrophages increased levels of CSF1, but not in suspension. Inset. Addition of exogenous CSF1 to adherent macrophages augmented CHIT1 by RT-PCR.