DNA sequences of clones from two fragments of the chloroplast
rbcL gene amplified from the three paleofecal samples.
Letters and numbers to the left indicate clone number, sample number
[given as A(I), B(II), C(III)], extraction number, and PCR number. G
indicates samples that were ground under liquid nitrogen and extracted,
and R indicates samples that were rehydrated and extracted. X indicates
clones that match data bank sequences with two or more differences. j
indicates clones that represent putative jumping PCR events. Sequence
clusters were identified as: A, Rhamnaceae; B,
Ulmaceae; C, Fagaceae; D,
Asteracea; E, Liliales; F, Fabaceae; G,
Solonaceae; and H, Fouquieriaceae.
* indicates two clones similar to the order Zingiberales.