Figure 1.
Time course of the effects of placebo (circle), 350 mg carisoprodol (triangle) and 700 mg carisoprodol (square) on “Feel Drug Effect” ratings from the Drug Effect/Drug Liking/Take Again (DEL/TA) questionnaire (top frame) and number of symbols drawn correctly on the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (bottom frame). Each point is the mean across 15 subjects. The data which were included in the analyses included measures collected from 30 to 360 min after the administration of capsules that contained either placebo or carisoprodol – administration of the capsules occurred immediately before the 60-min time point of the session, and is indicated by the arrow in both of the graphs. Data from the 60-min time point are presented for comparison purposes (i.e., baseline), and were not included in the analyses. Solid symbols indicate a significant difference as determined by the Holm-Sidak method compared to the placebo condition for a given time point. Asterisks indicate that the 700-mg carisoprodol condition differed significantly from the 350-mg carisoprodol condition. For the Feel Drug Effect question, ratings ranged from 1–5 where 1=I feel no effect from the drug(s) at all, 2= I think I feel a mild effect, but I’m not sure, 3= I definitely feel an effect, but it is not really strong, 4= I feel a strong effect, and 5=I feel a very strong effect.