DNA methylation of Pdcd1 CR-C and CR-B is inversely correlated with PD-1 expression in antigen-specific cells from mice acutely infected with LCMV. A) Histogram analysis of PD-1 protein expression on antigen-specific CD8 T cells at 4, 8, and >30 dpi during acute infection with 2*105 pfu of LCMV Armstrong. The red line = LCMV-specific CD8 T cells. The filled gray histogram = naïve CD8 T cells. B) Real-time PCR analysis of PD-1 transcript from purified naïve, day 4 effector, day 8 effector, and memory antigen-specific CD8 T cells. C) Bisulfite sequencing analysis and graphical summary of Pdcd1 CR-C and CR-B from FACS purified naïve, day 4 effector, day 8 effector, and memory cells. D) Bisulfite sequencing of Pdcd1 CR-C and CR-B was performed on genomic DNA from terminal effector and memory precursor CD8 T cell subsets purified from mice at 8 days post infection with 2*105 LCMV Armstrong. Filled circles = methylated cytosine. Each line represents a sequenced clone. Open circles = nonmethylated cytosine. CpG sites 1 – 14 correspond to sites -1280, -1158, -1099, -1069, -986, -778, -672, -667, -636, -612, -535, -496, -491, and -465.