Figure 3.
Comparison and classification of Nup153FG segments. (a) Dependence of RH on molecular weight (segment length). The predicted curve for a relaxed behavior of a polypeptide chain (solid representation) (42). The previously determined confidence interval for this relaxed coil behavior and thus the boundaries of collapsed and extended coil behavior are visualized by the shaded gradient. (b) Relation of RE to % charge/% hydrophobicity (analog to Yamada et al. (23)). Measured RE were related to the end-to-end distance predicted according to the relaxed coil model (RE,RC) to provide a segment-length-independent measure of distances. (Solid line) Position where a segment with ideal relaxed coil behavior would occur. (Shaded) Relaxed coil regions. (c) Dependence of RE/RE,RC from the content of N and Q within the probed segment. (Solid line) Linear fit through all data-points. (Solid circles) Distances measured under native conditions. (Open circles) Distances under unfolding conditions (4 M GdmCl).