Figure 2.
(Color online) Semi-log plots of data from five simulations (symbols) testing a variety of situations in order to show the robustness of Eq. 17 (lines) to various sets of conditions: (1) random network; λ=1; mixed refractory states, mi∈{1,2,3}; no delays; (2) random network; λ=0.7; no refractory states, mi=m=1; mixed delays, τij∈{0,1,2,3}; (3) scale free network; λ=0.8; disassortative rewiring; no refractory states, mi=m=1; no delays; (4) scale free network; λ=1.2; uniform refractory states, mi=m=2; no delays; (5) Scale free network; λ=1.0; mixed refractory states, mi∈{1,2,3,4}; mixed delays, τij∈{0,1,2}; (6) Scale free network; λ=1.2; uniform refractory states, mi=m=1; no delays. The plots show excellent agreement between the prediction and simulation at many points in parameter space.