Figure 2.
Consensus phylogeny estimated using a Bayesian approach that employed the HKY+I+G model of nucleotide evolution for haplotypes of L. lapostae, L. windarraensis and L. palmulaoides, with out-group taxa Bidessodes gutteridgei and B. limestonensis. Lists of specimens and haplotypes are given in the Appendix 1. Haplotype acronyms reflect small (S), medium (M) and large (L) size of the beetle species from LDC: MLA, L. windarraensis; SLA, L. lapostae; and LLA, L. palmulaoides. Both the MW-only clades and the widespread-LAV (LAV) clades are noted. Thickened black lines and numbers on branches indicate Bayesian posterior probabilities >80%.