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. 2011 Sep 30;6(9):e25453. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025453

Table 3. fMRI results for the Block-Beginning > Fixation/Block-Ending > Fixation contrasts.

Anatomical Region BA x y z t - statistic p - value No. of voxels
(Block-Beginning > Fixation)
L middle frontal gyrus 46 −40 19 21 −8.01 0.000001 961
R inferior parietal lobule 40 32 −38 39 −5.3 0.000087 548
R superior parietal lobule 7 29 −50 48 −4.81 0.000231 494
R fusiform gyrus 37 46 −55 −10 −5.01 0.000151 1180
L superior parietal lobule 7 −24 −62 53 −4.86 0.000209 463
L & R inferior occipital gyrus 18/19 11 −83 27 −11.47 <0.000001 >9999
/anterior cingulate gyrus 24/32 −1 7 45 7.39 0.000002 1521
(Block-Ending > Fixation)
/medial frontal gyrus 9 −1 38 27 5.46 0.000064 624
R superior frontal gyrus 9 20 37 33 5.37 0.000078 568
L middle frontal gyrus 9 −28 28 32 5.77 0.000036 1950
R insula 13 29 19 16 9.01 <0.000001 6555
L insula 13 −34 16 15 9.65 <0.000001 7675
/anterior cingulate gyrus/precentral gyrus 6/24 −9 7 45 8.86 <0.000001 >9999
/thalamus (anterior nucleus) −4 −2 6 7.39 0.000002 2976
L precentral gyrus 6 −48 −4 35 6.34 0.000013 671
R precentral gyrus 6 41 −8 36 4.99 0.000162 223
/thalamus (pulvinar) −7 −26 9 7.9 0.000001 2684
R supramarginal gyrus/inferior parietal lobule 40 53 −44 33 6.04 0.000023 2630
L supramarginal gyrus/inferior parietal lobule 40 −53 −45 −29 7.63 0.000002 1503
R superior temporal gyrus 39 50 −50 6 5.92 0.000027 1102
/cerebellum (anterior lobe, culmen) −1 −53 −9 6.4 0.000012 2528
L superior temporal gyrus 39 −49 −56 6 5.49 0.000061 396
L & R inferior occipital gyrus/lingual gyrus 17/18 −7 −86 −3 9.67 <0.000001 7799

All x, y, and z values given here represent stereotaxic coordinates according to the coordinate system by Talairach and Tournoux (1988). The statistical values in the next columns correspond to the t-statistics and the p-values of the activation maxima (peak voxel) within each anatomical region. All activations were thresholded at q(FDR) <0.05 (t = 3.71). (BA = Brodmann area; R = right hemisphere; L = left hemisphere).