Plots showing the relationship between SW and the ratio of the pulse length (Tp,GRE) in rGRE to the pulse length (Tp,CODE) in CODE for different FOVs = 20, 25, and 30 cm, (a) when the achievable minimum TE of CODE is equal to that of rGRE and (b) when the achievable minimum TR of CODE is equal to that of rGRE. (a) For a given Tp,GRE/Tp,CODE, CODE provides a shorter TE than rGRE if SW is larger than the plotted value. (b) While CODE has a longer TR than rGRE for Tp,GRE/Tp,CODE < 0.7071, it has a shorter TR than rGRE for Tp,GRE/Tp,CODE ≥ 0.7071, provided that SW is smaller than the plotted value.