Figure 12. Mode of miRNA-mediated negative feedback can affect noise transmission to downstream genes in transcriptional cascades.
Different noise level effect on downstream gene for different dissociation constants. When KD is small, the downstream gene of both models are triggered. The mean value of downstream proteins in the K model is larger than in the S model. However, while KD increases, although both mean values of downstream proteins decreases, The mean value of downstream proteins in the K model will be smaller than in the S model while KD is over some value because of the long tail noise of S model. (A) KD = 800, (B) KD = 1400, (C) KD = 1700. α = 1.1, γm = γμ = 0.01, γp = 0.001, kd = 100.0, kp = 0.1, κ = 1.0, β = 0.00087, σ = 1.0, ε = 0.1, γm2 = 0.01, kp2 = 0.1, γp2 = 0.001.