Nm23H1 down-regulates Rac1 by association with Tiam1.
(a–c) 293T cells transfected with plasmids indicated at
the top were labeled with 32Pi for 2 h.
Lanes 4 and 5 (a): transfected with 0.5 μg and 0.2
μg, respectively, of plasmid encoding nm23H1 tagged with myc. The
total amount of transfected plasmid DNA was equalized by adding empty
vector pCS2+. The labeled guanine nucleotides that bound GST-tagged
Rac1 were separated by TLC and visualized and quantitated with
imaging analyzer (BAS 1000; Fuji). Comparable expression of
Tiam1, GST-Rac1, and nm23H1 was confirmed by immunoblotting
(Bottom). ori, origin of the TLC plate.