Nm23H1 transphosphorylates to Rac1 in vitro.
(a) GDP-loaded GST-Rac1 on glutathione Sepharose (1
μg) was UV-irradiated as described in Materials and
Methods, followed by incubation with 10 μCi
[γ-32P]ATP in the presence of 0.1 μg GST-nm23H1,
GST-nm23H1 (H118C), or control GST, as indicated above the lanes. The
reactants were washed and resolved by 12% SDS/PAGE. Precipitated
GST-tagged Rac1 was detected by Coomassie stain
(Bottom). (b) 293T cells were transfected
with pEBG-Rac1 in combination with either mock vector, wild type (WT),
H118C mutant of nm23H1 or wild-type Tiam1, as indicated above. Cells
were labeled with 32Pi for 2 h. The
labeled guanine nucleotides bound to GST-tagged GTPases were separated
by TLC. Expression of GST-tagged Rac1 in individual lysates was
confirmed by immunoblotting (Bottom). Similar results
were obtained in three independent experiments.