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. 2011;13(3):PCC.10m01082. doi: 10.4088/PCC.10m01082

Table 3.

Workplace Costs

Population (in thousands)a [1]
12-Month Prevalence for Major Depressive Disorderb [2]
Labor Force Participation, %c [3]
Wage per Day (US$ 2008)d [4]
Workplace Costs (US$ 2008 in millions)e
Absenteeism [5]
Presenteeism [6]
Age (y) Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Totalf
20–34 12,107 11,624 2.4 6.3 82.6 65.9 104.54 88.86 892 1,532 209 358 2,990
35–44 9,096 8,921 0.8 2.0 93.7 65.2 147.63 105.18 345 443 81 104 972
45–54 7,811 7,791 1.4 3.7 93.5 71.3 172.04 101.87 632 751 148 176 1,706
55–64 9,241 9,556 1.1 2.8 81.4 51.7 148.66 92.27 423 456 99 107 1,085
≥ 65 12,044 16,170 0.4 1.2 29.0 12.9 107.77 82.52 59 71 14 17 159
Totalf 50,299 54,062 2,351 3,251 550 761 6,912

From the Population Estimates 2008.10


From the World Mental Health Japan Survey 2002–2003.79


From the Labor Force Survey 2008.18


From the Basic Survey on Wage Structure 2008.19


Estimated based on the population size [1], the 12-month prevalence [2], and the treatment rate of 27.1% for major depressive disorder from the World Mental Health Japan Survey 2002–200379; the lost days, the reduced productivity days, and the impairment rates of 20% from the previous cost-of-illness studies of depression20,21; the average labor force participation rates [3]; and the average wage per day [4].


Numbers may not add up to totals due to rounding.