Figure 3.
Thyroid hyperplasia in PBF-Tg mice. Occurrence of macrofollicular (A) and hyperplastic lesions (B) in at least ten independent sectional planes per PBF-Tg or WT thyroid; N = 6-12 per genotype. Statistics analysed using Fisher’s exact test. C-E, Representative H&E stained images of a macrofollicular lesion (C) and nodular hyperplasia (D) in PBF-Tg thyroids, and of a WT thyroid (E) in 52 week old mice. F-G, Representative H&E stained images of hyperplasia in PBF-Tg thyroids in 78 week old mice. H, Arrows highlight enlarged nuclei in the hyperplastic lesion. I, Composite image of an entire thyroid lobe from a 78 week old PBF-Tg mouse with diffuse goitre (DG) and hyperplastic regions (HP). Scale bars: 100 μm.