Area fraction at the L6 spinal cord
A) Serotonergic fibers in the DL were more densely distributed with significant difference in NBQX&NRP/GRP (p<0.01). In NRP/GRP recipients, but not OP-Controls, 5-HT fibers were identified in the LF, which was more dense in rats with combined treatment of NRP/GRP and NBQX (p<0.01). Serotonergic fibers in the DH (p<0.01), were observed with the same trend as the DL.
B) CGRP-immunoreactivity in the DH was significantly denser in OP-Controls than in NRP/GRP alone (p<0.05) or NBQX&NRP/GRP (p<0.01), which was similar to Unoperated Controls. Meanwhile, there were no differences in DCM among groups.
†: NRP/GRP alone vs. OP-Controls
‡: NBQX & NRP/GRP vs. OP-Controls
#: NRP/GRP alone vs. NBQX & NRP/GRP